
Pension buy-outs as a strategic option for banks and insurers

New approaches for banks and insurance companies: How pension buy-outs are revolutionizing strategic thinking
Companies, especially banks and insurance companies, are facing new challenges as a result of recent macroeconomic changes. Rising interest rates and changing inflation dynamics not only affect day-to-day operations. They also raise fundamental questions about how to manage pension liabilities. The focus is shifting to an option that has received little attention in Germany at a time when risk management and balance sheet optimization are becoming increasingly important: the pension buy-out.
The study, conducted in cooperation with the consulting firm zeb , provides insights into the strategic considerations that banks and insurance companies should make in order to be successful in an increasingly volatile environment. Find out what options are available to companies today and what management is considering to secure the future of their pension obligations.
Not only will theoretical principles be highlighted, but practical scenarios will be used to illustrate the long-term benefits of a thoughtful approach to pension liabilities. A decisive competitive advantage can be gained by setting the right course today.

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